A Leader Who Listens
I love this city. Like many of us, I have been increasingly troubled by the tone of our national politics in the last several years. We are more interested in building polarized factions than in finding common ground. I realized the best place to start changing the conversation is right here in Pasadena.
I believe that leadership should be about service, not self. I promise that if I am elected, every voice will have a place in our civic dialogue.
I am proud to be endorsed by a broad coalition of individuals and organizations who hold views from every ideological and political perspective. I believe they are backing me in the race because they know I will listen carefully and openly, and they can trust me to make fair, thoughtful decisions.
Community Matters
In this campaign, I am committed to working to ensure housing that is affordable at every income level while also preserving the character of our community, increasing services to our unhoused neighbors so we reduce homelessness, and making Pasadena a leader in the fight against climate change.
What Local Leaders Are Saying About Jason Lyon for Pasadena City Council
Congressmember Judy Chu
“Jason is a proven community leader with a long record of service. He cares about people, and he is dedicated to improving the quality of life for everyone in Pasadena. I look forward to working with him as District 7's next Councilmember."
Supervisor Kathryn Barger
“Jason’s record of service to our region is commendable, and I respect his promise to listen to every perspective in our community conversation. We share a deep commitment to providing housing that is affordable for hardworking individuals from varying income levels, and to addressing the needs of our unhoused neighbors. I look forward to partnering with Jason to develop practical solutions that help our mutual constituents.”
Senator Anthony Portantino
“Jason Lyon has a proven history of service to the Pasadena community. He is deeply committed to being an accessible and thoughtful councilmember. He understands that successful leaders exercise good judgment and are responsive and collaborative. That's why I am endorsing Jason for the Pasadena City Council. I believe he has the experience and skills to navigate difficult issues and well represent our friends and neighbors in CD 7.”
Vice Mayor Andy Wilson
“Jason has demonstrated the right mix of leadership, commitment, and creative problem-solving our city needs to meet the challenges we face in the coming years. As a member of the City Planning Commission, Jason has been a tireless advocate for our district and for all residents of Pasadena. I am confident that he will represent District 7 with distinction on the City Council.”
Councilmember Steve Madison
“As a highly capable lawyer, Jason brings analytical thinking and a keen understanding of the many legal overlays to municipal governance. And as a neighborhood advocate, he shares my commitment to a high quality of life for all Pasadenans. We need Councilmembers like Jason Lyon as we move forward out of the pandemic and tackle issues like homelessness, climate change, the fiscal viability of the Rose Bowl and the ever-increasing need for outstanding municipal services within limited public budgets.”